
The Common Layer Interface (CLI) is a universal format for the input of geometry data to model fabrication systems based on layer manufacturing technologies (LMT). It is suitable for systems using layer-wise photo-curing of resin, sintering or binding of powder, cutting of sheet material, solidification of molten material, and any other systems which build models on a layer-by-layer basis.

CLI is intended as a simple, efficient and unambiguous format for data input to all LMT-based systems, based on a "2 1/2D" layer representation. It is independent of vendors or fabrication machines, and should require only a simple conversion to the vendor-specific internal data structure of the machine. The obligatory parts of the format are also application independent, while the USERDATA command allows user- or application-specific data to be defined in the header. This flexibility allows the format to be used for a wide range of applications, without loss of important information and without excluding data transfer between different applications. One specific application, medical scan data, is already accommodated with appropriate user data. Others can be added as they are defined.

Comments and suggestions for future versions are welcome, and should be forwarded to one of the contacts named in Appendix A.

1. Definitions and general conventions

1.1. 2 1/2D-Representation

The geometrical information of the intersection of a 3D-model with a plane is called a slice. The volume between two parallel slices is called a layer. The 2 1/2D-representation of a model is the sum total of layer-descriptions. The slicing plane is parallel to the xy- plane of a right hand cartesian coordinate system. It is assumed that the building direction is the positive z-axis.

1.2. Layer

A layer is the volume between two parallel slices, and is defined by its thickness, a set of contours and (optionally) hatches.

1.3. Contour

Contours represent the boundaries of solid material within a layer, and are defined by polylines (section 1.4). They are classified as internal and external contours (Fig.1). For correct interpretation each contour must be closed and must not intersect itself or another contour.

               (Fig 1)

1.4. Polyline

A polyline is defined by a set of vertex points (x,y), connected contiguously in the listed order by straight line segments. A closed polyline can also be called a polygon.

1.5. Hatches

A hatch is a set of independent straight lines, each defined by one start and one end point (x,y). The purpose of hatches and open polylines is to define support structures or filling structures to obtain a solid model, which are necessary for some LMT systems.

2. ASCII Data Format

2.1. File Structure

The ASCII-file is separated into sections. Each section is marked by a start and an end marker. Only the characters A...Z, a...z, , ., 0...9, $ and the separators (section 2.4) are interpreted. All other characters will be ignored. Each file must have a HEADER-section and a GEOMETRY-section. Other sections are optional. The start of the HEADER-section will be interpreted as the start of data, and the end of the GEOMETRY-section as the end of data. Data may be included before the HEADER-section and after the GEOMETRY-section, but will be ignored.

2.2. General Syntax

All commands have the general form:


Keyword and parameter are separated by the character "/" (oblique stroke). If there are no parameters there should be no oblique stroke. The only exception to this rule is the command "//" (see description below).

2.2.1. Keywords

Keywords are names according to the language description defined below. All keywords are written in ASCII upper case notation. Every keyword must start with the sequence "$$".

2.2.2. Parameters

Parameters are numbers or ASCII-strings separated by the character "," (comma).

2.3. Numbers


+/- : every ki is a number from 0 to 9.

Negative numbers must have a minus sign, positive numbers can have a plus sign. Numbers with no sign are interpreted as positive. Maximum range is +/- 2^31.


+/- x1...xn.y1...ym
n >= 0, m >= 0
1 <= (n + m) <= realim

xi,yi are numbers from 0 to 9, respectively before and after the decimal point. Realim is the maximum number of digits within a REAL and is limited to 16. A decimal point is required for all REAL numbers.

2.4. Separators

Separators are "/" (oblique stroke), "," (comma) and "//" (double stroke).

2.5. ASCII-strings

An ASCII-string is any number of valid characters enclosed within double-quotes. Valid characters are all printable characters except the double-quotes.

3. ASCII Language Description

3.1. Non geometric commands


Command : remark
Syntax : // text //

This is an exception to the general syntax. The text between the // commands will be interpreted as a comment. Within the comment the double stroke is not allowed.

3.1.2. Structure

Command : start header

This command starts the HEADER-section, and will be interpreted as the start of data.

Command : end header
Syntax : $$HEADEREND
This command ends the HEADER-section.

Command : start geometry
This command starts the GEOMETRY-section

Command : end geometry (and end data)
This command ends the GEOMETRY-section, and will be interpreted as the end of data.

3.1.3. HEADER-Information

Command : data format is binary
Syntax : $$BINARY
Indicates the data in the GEOMETRY-section to be binary.

Command : data format is ASCII
Syntax : $$ASCII
Indicates the data in the GEOMETRY-section to be ASCII.

Command : units are u [mm]
Syntax : $$UNITS/u
Parameter u : REAL
u indicates the units of the coordinates in mm.

Command : version is v
Syntax : $$VERSION/v
Parameter v : integer
v divided by 100 gives the version number.
For example 200 --> Version 2.00

All following HEADER-commands are optional.

Command : file was built on date
Syntax : $$DATE/d
Parameter d : integer
d will be interpreted in the sequence DDMMYY.

Command : dimension
Syntax : $$DIMENSION/x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2
x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 : REAL

Describes the dimensions of the outline box which completely contains the part in absolute coordinates (in mm) with respect to the origin. The conditions x1 < x2 , y1 < y2 and z1 < z2 must be satisfied.

Command : number of layers inside the file is i
Syntax : $$LAYERS/i
Parameter i : INTEGER
The Parameter i indicates the number of layers inside the file.

Command : align data in GEOMETRY-section to 32 bit (for binary GEOMETRY-section only)
Syntax : $$ALIGN

Sets the alignment of geometry-data to 32 bit. The command only takes effect in case of a binary GEOMETRY-section. The GEOMETRY-section must start at the beginning of a 32-bit-word. The HEADER-section must end at the end of a 32-bit- word. Every data item within the GEOMETRY-section must start at the beginning of a 32-bit-word. A pair of coordinates (x,y) is seen as one data item. For the commands start polyline short and start hatches short a pair of coordinates (x,y) are to be written into one 32-bit-word.

($$ALIGN in HEADER-section)

Byte	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9........
	127	#	#	#	4	1	#	#	129....

Command : set a label for a part
Syntax : $$LABEL/id,text

text : ASCII-string

id: Identifier to allow more than one model information in one file. For every id used in the commands start polyline (short/long/ASCII) and start hatches (short/long/ASCII) there shall be one command $$LABEL. Each id causes the building-process to build a different part.

text: An ASCII string that gives some comment on the part.

Command : put user-specific data to the header
Syntax : $$USERDATA/uid,len,user-data

uid : ASCII-string
len : long integer
user-data: field of data (binary or ASCII); length is len bytes

uid: user identifier - identifies user and the following user-data. uid and user-data shall be cleared and published by a central coordinator (e.g. task coordinator).

Example: $$USERDATA/"CompanyZZ9401",....
len: defines the length of user-data in bytes from the byte after the comma after the parameter len to the byte before the following $$command. user-data: field of user-specific data; the length of this field is defined by the parameter len; the contents of this field is defined by the user himself.

3.2. Geometric Commands

Command : start layer
Syntax : $$LAYER/z
Parameter z : REAL
Start of a layer with upper surface at height z (z*units [mm]). All layers must be sorted in ascending order with respect to z. The thickness of the layer is given by the difference between the z values of the current and previous layers. A thickness for the first (lowest) layer can be specified by including a "zero-layer" with a given z value but with no polyline.

Command : start polyline
Syntax : $$POLYLINE/id,dir,n,p1x,p1y,...pnx,pny

	id		: INTEGER
	dir,n		: INTEGER
	p1x..pny	: REAL

id : identifier to allow more than one model information in one file.
id refers to the parameter id of command $$LABEL (HEADER-section).
dir : Orientation of the line when viewing in the negative z-direction
0 : clockwise (internal)
1 : counter-clockwise (external)
2 : open line (no solid)
n : number of points
p1x..pny : coordinates of the points 1..n

Polylines representing internal contours must be clockwise, polylines representing external contours counter-clockwise (Fig 2). This orientation must be valid for the parameter "dir" and for the order the points are listed. The value of "dir " overwrites the order of listed points if there is a mismatch.

In the case of closed polylines (dir = 0,1) p1x = pnx and p1y = pny must be valid. The open line value for the dir flag can be used to indicate a non-closed polyline. This can be used as an input for correction and editing tools based on the CLI format.

                Fig 2


Command : start hatches
Syntax : $$HATCHES/id,n,p1sx,p1sy,p1ex,p1ey,...pnex,pney

	id		: INTEGER
	p1sx..pney	: REAL

id : identifier to allow more than one model information in one file.
id refers to the parameter id of command $$LABEL (HEADER-section).
n : number of hatches (n*4 =number of coordinates)
p1sx..pney : coordinates of the hatches 1..n
4 parameters for every hatch (startx,starty,endx,endy)

4. ASCII-Data-File-Example

// This is a example for the use of the Layer Format //
$$UNITS/1              // all coordinates are given in mm  // 
// $$UNITS/0.01     all coordinates are given in units 0.01 mm //      
$$DATE/070493                       // 7. April 1993 //
$$LAYERS/100                        //  100 layers //

$$GEOMETRYSTART          // start of GEOMETRY-section//
$$LAYER/5.5              // Layer at height z = 5.5 mm//


5. Binary Data Format

5.1. File structure

The binary-data-file is separated into two sections : a header-section in ASCII data format and a geometry-section in binary data format. For header-section commands see section 3.1.3.

The start of the header-section will be interpreted as start of data.
The end of the geometry-section will be interpreted as the end of data.
The end of the header-section must be indicated by a $$HEADEREND command.
The geometry-section must directly follow the header-section (directly after the command $$HEADEREND) without any kind of information (carriage return, line feed etc.) in between.

5.2. General Binary Syntax

All commands have the following general form:
There is no separator between Command Index and parameters, nor within the parameter-section.

5.2.1. Command Index (CI)

Command Index is a number (unsigned integer) indicating the command according to the command list below.

5.2.2. Parameters

The parameters p1.. pn are numbers according the specification below.

5.3. Numbers

Numbers are specified using the IEEE standard.

Data Formats      Range         Precision       Representation
Unsigned	  10^4          16 Bits         [15...0] (Two's Complement)

Long 		  10^(+/- 9)    32 Bits         [31...0] (Two's Complement)

Real              10^(+/- 38)   24 Bits	        [31|30..23|22..0]
				                    s      e    f
					             s: sign bit 
                                                     e: Biased Exponent
						     f: Significand

				Fig. 3

if 0 < e < 255 then v = (-1)^s * 2^(e-127) * (1.f)
if e=0 and f<>0 then v = (-1)^s * 2^(-126) * (0.f)
if e=0 and f=0 then v = (-1)^s * 0
Where e is the Biased Exponent,
	s is the sign bit,
	f is the significand, and
	v the value.
unsigned INTEGER :	2 Bytes
			range  0..65535
			precision  16 Bits
long INTEGER :	4 Bytes
			range  0..+/- 231
			precision  32 Bits
REAL:			4 Bytes
			range  10 +/- 38
			precision  24 Bits 

most significant Byte  =  highest addressed Byte.

6. Binary Language Description

6.1. Non-geometric commands

No non-geometric commands are specified in version 2.0.

6.2. Geometric Commands

Command : Start Layer long
CI	127
Parameter z : REAL

Start of a layer with upper surface at height z (z*units [mm]). All layers must be sorted in ascending order with respect to z. The thickness of the layer is given by the difference between the z values of the current and previous layers. A thickness for the first (lowest) layer can be specified by including a "zero-layer" with a given z value but no polyline.

Command : Start Layer short
CI 128
Parameter z : unsigned INTEGER
Start of a layer with upper surface at height z (z*units [mm]). All layers must be sorted in ascending order with respect to z.

Command : Start PolyLine shortCommand : Start PolyLine

CI	129
	id :	unsigned INTEGER
	dir,n :	unsigned INTEGER
	p1x..pny :	unsigned INTEGER

id : identifier to allow more than one model information in one file.
id refers to the parameter id of command $$LABEL (HEADER-section).
dir : orientation of the line when viewing in the negative z-direction
0 : clockwise
1 : counter clockwise
2 : open line

n : number of points
p1x..pny : coordinates of the points 1..n
See also section 3.2 command $$POLYLINE and section 3.1.3 command $$ALIGN
and $$ LABEL

Command : Start PolyLine long
CI	130
	id : 		long INTEGER
	dir,n :         long INTEGER
	p1x..pny : 	REAL

id : identifier to allow more than one model information in one file.
id refers to the parameter id of command $$LABEL (HEADER-section).
dir : orientation of the line when viewing in the negative z-direction
0 : clockwise
1 : counter clockwise
2 : open line

n : number of points
p1x..pny : coordinates of the points 1..n
See also section 3.2 command $$POLYLINE and section 3.1.3 command $$ALIGN
and $$ LABEL.

Command : Start Hatches short
CI	131
	id	     : unsigned INTEGER
	n	     : unsigned INTEGER
	p1sx..pney : unsigned INTEGER

id : identifier to allow more than one model information in one file.
id refers to the parameter id of command $$LABEL (HEADER-section).
n : number of hatches (n*4 = number of coordinates)
p1sx..pney : coordinates of the hatches 1..n
See also section 3.2 command $$POLYLINE and section 3.1.3 command $$ALIGN
and $$ LABEL

Command : Start Hatches longCommand : Start PolyLine
CI	132
	id	     :   long INTEGER
	n	     :   long INTEGER
	p1sx..pney :  REAL

id : identifier to allow more than one model information in one file.
id refers to the parameter id of command $$LABEL (HEADER-section).
n : number of hatches (n*4 = number of coordinates)
p1sx..pney : coordinates of the hatches 1..n
See also section 3.2 command $$POLYLINE and section 3.1.3 command $$ALIGN
and $$ LABEL

Appendix A - Development of the Common Layer Interface (CLI)

Development of the Common Layer Interface (CLI) originated in the Brite-EuRam Project "Rapid Prototyping Techniques", whose work programme identified the following need:

"Problems with the current STL interface (triangle model) force us to look for a new data format for general LMT-processes, which may only contain cross section information... The section oriented information should be vendor independent."

Simultaneously, the Brite-EuRam Project "Phidias" was working to establish and make available an interface between medical scan data and layer manufacturing technologies. Cooperation between these two projects, together with comments and contributions from third parties, led to the development of CLI version 2.0.

Further development and dissemination of the CLI is also continuing in cooperation with EARP (the European Action on Rapid Prototyping), an organization of companies and institutions throughout Europe which are actively working with rapid prototyping. The up-to- date version of CLI is (from September 1994) continuously available to Internet users under the World Wide Web, at the address given on the next page. This also provides a forum for Internet users to discuss their use of CLI and make suggestions.

Alternatively, copies of the CLI specification can be obtained from the Brite EuRam project contacts listed.

CLI Development Group

BIBA, Germany
BMW AG, Germany
Centro Recherche FIAT, Italy
CRIF, Belgium
EOS GmbH, Germany
IKP, Germany
Mercedes Benz AG, Germany

Brite EuRam project BE 5930 "Phidias - Laser Photopolymerisation Models based on Medical Imaging: a Development Improving the Accuracy of Surgery". Partners:
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Materialise NV, Belgium
Siemens Medical Engineering Group, Germany
Zeneca Ltd, United Kingdom /p>


Internet addresses for the CLI specification, the EARP electronic book and other information on rapid prototyping (on the World Wide Web hypertext multi-media system): (Mr Andre Dolenc, Helsinki University) (Mr Ron. Jamieson, Cranfield University)

Brite EuRam RPT project:

Dr M. Shellabear Tel: +49 (89) 899131-0
EOS GmbH Fax: +49 (89) 8598402
Pasinger Str. 2
D-82152 Planegg

Brite EuRam PHIDIAS project:

Prof W. Kalender Tel: +49 (9131) 84-7736
Siemens AG, UB Med Fax: +49 (9131) 84-6365
Postfach 3260
D-91052 Erlangen

Appendix B - Header section for medical applications


This appendix describes a proposal for a $$USERDATA header section (see 3.1.3) to be used for medical applications.

The extension of the CLI-Header proposed here describes the absolute minimum of labeling considered necessary for medical applications. The definitions are part of work performed within the Brite-Euram project Phidias towards the development of a format for the exchange of segmentation results.

The additions are primarily inserted in order to achieve unambiguous documentation and labeling of the history of the data generation process and of the patient orientation in medical applications. For the actual model building process they can be ignored. The CLI-file generation programm must ensure that if x- and y-coordinates and the positive z-direction are interpreted as righthand system, an anatomically correct model will result! With respect to the coordinate interpretation the following assumptions common in slice oriented imaging modalities are made:

The "volume"/"model"/"stack of layers" coordinate system is defined as a righthand system with the following properties

*	x- and y-axis lie within the image/layer plane with
			(x) pointing from left to right
			(y) pointing from top  to bottom
*	The z-axis is orthogonal to the slice/image/layer plane with
			(z) pointing into the image plane
*	The patient orientation is described by another righthand system defined by three base 
 	medial-rightlateral	(nose->right ear)	as x-axis
 	posterior-anterior	(spine->chest)		as y-axis: "FRONT-VECTOR"
 	caudo-cranial		(foot->head)		as z-axis: "HEAD-VECTOR"

The "cartesian coordinates" of HEAD-VECTOR and FRONT-VECTOR in the layer coordinate system fully specify the patient orientation! Gantry tilt must be taken into account when converting image matrix coordinates into the layer coordinate system! For the sake of simplicity gantry tilt will be ignored, however, when describing patient orientation (the same effect is caused by putting the patient on a slanted couch).

The following three examples use the definitions
	axial:		orthogonal to HEAD-VECTOR
	coronal:	orthogonal to FRONT-VECTOR
	sagittal:	contains HEAD-VECTOR and FRONT-VECTOR

Example 1:	Patient in prone position, axial images reconstructed looking
		in the cranial direction
			HEAD-VECTOR  = ( 0,  0,  1)
			FRONT-VECTOR = ( 0, 1,  0)

Example 2:	Coronal reconstructions looking onto the chest of the patient
			HEAD-VECTOR  = ( 0, -1,  0)
			FRONT-VECTOR = ( 0,  0, -1)

Example 3:	Sagittal reconstructions looking from the right to the left
		side of the patient
			HEAD-VECTOR  = ( 0, -1,  0)
			FRONT-VECTOR = ( 1,  0,  0)


The $$USERDATA section of the CLI-Header (3.1.3) contains information in ASCII-format of 
the following form (see also page 11)
		userdata:		{userdata-item}...{userdata-item}
		userdata-item:		keyword=text "/0"	("/0" = binary zero)

The following keywords are possible 
	institution-id		Institution where primary data were generated
	source-id		Additional information specifying the creation of
				this file, eg. software package and person generating
				the data set
	patient-id		Qualifier uniquely specifying the patient
	study-id		Qualifier specifying the type of study performed
	examination-date	Date on which examination was performed
	slice-thickness	Slice thickness in mm
	matrix-size		Size of the image matrix (typically 512)
	pixel-size		Size of one pixel in mm
	gantry-tilt		Gantry tilt of the examination in degrees
	front-vector		vector pointing from "spine to chest " expressed in layer
				coordinates in the form (x,y,z) (see introduction)
	head-vector		vector pointing from "feet to head" expressed in layer
				coordinates in the form (x,y,z) (see introduction)

institution-id=Orthopedic Hospital University of TestTown
source-id=Siemens 3D package Vx.y interactions by Dr. Bone
patient-id=Egon BadLegs I2389/94 20-Jun-1932
study-id=Custom prosthesis left leg

CLI specification page 21